♥ h.a.f.i.r.a.y.s.r.a.w.k ♥

Assalamualaikum.syarifah aliah afiqah syed nasir. SPM candidate stay atas tanah dekat bumi fb:Syarifah Aliah Afiqah twitter:@hafiraysmonster

Diary About Link Stuff


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Template: MuniNad
Big Helped: Shasha Nad
Edit By: hafiraysmonsterawk

starting of our conversation

Holla holli :D *lambai tangan dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Haaaa.. guess what? Ana nak smbung cerita smalam. Haaa actually masa dia miss call to ana xde credit biasa laa hidup alone phone pun sunyi so ana malas topup. The next day ana pun topup and malam to ana hantar mesej and……dia reply ckp “lama saya tunggu mesej dari awak” *omgeee Nampak x Nampak x haaaa.. and from there kami start our conversation…… to be continues #hafiraysmonsterawk