♥ h.a.f.i.r.a.y.s.r.a.w.k ♥

Assalamualaikum.syarifah aliah afiqah syed nasir. SPM candidate stay atas tanah dekat bumi fb:Syarifah Aliah Afiqah twitter:@hafiraysmonster

Diary About Link Stuff


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Template: MuniNad
Big Helped: Shasha Nad
Edit By: hafiraysmonsterawk

simple life

Piss! Piss! Hehehe… okeyy from the conversation ana tau serba sedikit diri dia, dia pun tahu sikit-sikit pasal ana.. kami tak selalu mesej pun because ana pun busy dengan homework dia pun busy dengan kerja so life kami just macam-macam to jee.. memahami satu sama lain but every night kami masing-masing akan wish goodnight so that even tak selalu text still ingat satu sama lain.. to be continues #hafiraysmonsterawk